Review for Should I? And auditions :)

Should I? And auditions :)

(#) BoomBoomJude 2012-02-20

Name: Jude Quinn

Appearance: Short for age, about 5 foot. Short, black hair with purple tips that's always gelled into spikes. Pale ivory skin that's smooth and hairless. Big green eyes that rest under thin eyebrows and a small nose. Average size pink lips. Skinny but toned. :3

Favourite bands(doesn't have tonne mcr XD): The Who, Set It Off, Hedley, Beastie Boys, The Ataris, Alice In Chains, Nirvana, Simon&Garfunkel, and Linkin Park.

General fashion: Loose skinny jeans, graphic t-shirts (Beavis&Butthead, South Park, funny shirts about video games and stuffs), black studded belts, blue Converse, and a black jacket that I wear with the hood up all the time.

Favourite theme park rides: Rollercoasters, anything that gives me a rush.

This is so cool eue