Review for The Past Ain't Through With You

The Past Ain't Through With You

(#) ChasingPavementsxoxo 2012-03-10

oh my god, i found this like, three days ago and spent those three days reading this entire thing. AMAZING. that's all I have to say. This entire fic is so good, once I read the first Chap i could NOT stop. Amazing, that's all this is. Like, it's up there with CosmicZombie, who I consider to be one of the best writers in all of Ficwadia. You are now the person JUST BARELY below her. Amazing work. Great chapter, great story, and amazing writing. It's so good, everything feels almost real. Okay, i shall shut up now, I just wanted to comment and tell you your amazing and that i love you and this story. :D
