Hey, bro. How goes it? When I first joined (way back when... Couple months ago) I pretty much just read anything that made me squeal. Which... Basically means gay love. Why do I find gay love so goddamn cute? I've lived with gay love for fifteen years you think I wouldn't be so vain as to say gay love is cuter than distraught love WHICH IT ISN'T bit... Fuck. I'm just gonna shut my lady pleaser now... >.> Anyway, just read the descrtion
If you like somebody as a friend basis, read their stories. Expand. Exfoliate. (exfoliate?) EX-TERM-IN-ATE. Yeah. I just got all dalek over YO ass. Dude. This is fucking long. And leading no where. Bsically, just read whatever the fuck shows up as recent in MCR. (MCR has the most well written stories). Anyway yeah. Welcome aboard.