Review for 100 Ways To Torture Gerard Way

100 Ways To Torture Gerard Way

(#) monstrice901 2012-03-14

Well, one moment I'm scared shitless 'bout the fact you might not be writing anymore (DON'T DO IT!!!!)

Next few minutes I'm confused thinking 'Surely this can't be it? How entirely annoying.

But it's all good; after a few more minutes he's eating himself - everything's back as it should be!


But after reading this, I've come to the conclusion that you're going to have a really hard time ending this. And pulling off something believable and equally dramatic. I'm sure you'll manage though - you're an epic writer.

Or maybe the end is just another red herring - the doctors said it'll be a while before he believes he's not with the black birds again.

Or maybe not...

I dunno! Either way, can't wait for updates and love this story - as sadistic as that makes me.

And don't you dare stop writing!
