I'm not from there, but I am from England, and have visited. Several times. :3
1. Sightseeing. That's a BIG one. Houses of Parliament (and Big Ben), The London Eye (dirty great big Ferris Wheel), Trafalgar Square, Tate Modern (art gallery), The National Gallery, Camden Market, Hyde Park, (The Gerkin? - it's an odd shaped business builiding)... Natural History Mueseum, Science Musesum, Victoria and Albert Muesuem, Tower Bridge, Westminster Abbey, Kew Gardens... I can't think of any more.
2. Some really famous ones are Selfridges and Harrods. Shopping streets are Oxford St, Regent St, Convent Gardens (this is really, really cool and quite laid back - I can totally imagine them there) Soho and Chinatown (Soho is infamous for being a bit scuzzy, with a load of sex shops and bars :3 A little bit sterotypical...) and Camden Market is awesome. (Send them there; it stinks of weed, sells every kind of emo/hippy/goth thing you'd every want ever, and has lots of people who look like Frank with the tattoos and the piercings.)
3. Well... Style wise, it's like the sterotypical slut in America. But awesome people do dress in scruffy punk clothes etc. Punk kinda started in the UK, and in Camden Market (always seem to come back to there...) there's loads of alternative people. Bear in mind though, that there's no Hot Topic (sniff...) and most 'emo' clothing is bought at before metnioned market, or online.
4. Apparently, pot is an obvious one. Well, it's supposed to be. It's Class B over here, but that shit doesn't stop people. But everything else is kinda difficult to get ahold off. We're an island, and it's hard to smuggle shit.
5. Depends. On average, it's okay - about 10 degrees Celcuis, but it's pretty windy, and often gets kinda chilly after 4 pm and before 10 am. You'd need a hoody, but not a coat.
6. Gruff. They'll help and they don't mind really but they act kind of like they do. It;s like any other city, people are always on the move and everyone's in a rush.
Hope that helped! :D
Author's response
Wow, that totally helped! Thank you so much! :)