Review for The Greatest Show Unearthed

The Greatest Show Unearthed

(#) Frankies_Hands 2012-03-25

I'm already on the edge of my seat. :3 Not a waste of time, at all. Frank cannot help the fact that he had the urge to help a fellow dog lover, mistake was made, and now he's blind. This is not the first of your stories I have read so I know this will have a nice little plot twist in there I didn't see coming.
I cannot wait until you update this marvelous peice work..

cough cough
[I found you bio very amusing. Stalker-ish? :/ ]

Author's response

-Sniffle- Your review touches me. I'm getting all emotional.

Thank you so much! A cookie for you, my friend! And yes, there's a MASSIVE twist ahead. So hold onto your ass, because the seat you're sitting on might not be able to take it.

... Wow, Benjamin. Nice modesty.

Whatever! I'm fabulous! -Slo mo hair flip-

And nice to see someone read the bio. ^^ My friends gave me the strangest of looks...

- Ben