AHHHH I reallly loved this chapter!
i was so happy when i saw it was actually another chapter and yea ohhh my gosh it was fab!
I was not expecting it to be Gerard there, and he was suck a dick! he needs to be nicer gosh! Frank was so sweet and there's Gerard being all dickish back.
i really realllly hope you carry on with this story, it's one of my favourites right now!
your writing is amazing, not slacking whatsoever. you have a way of completely making you feel as if you're right there in the story, you can feel every emotion and it's truly amazing.
keep writing like this and update asap :DD
Lizzie xx
Author's response
Yay, thank yooou! I know, Gerard is a little...confusing, but all will be revealed soon xD I hope I will too :L
Awww, thanks, that really means a lot to hear right now...thanks for being so lovely :'D