Review for Small Note and Auditions

Small Note and Auditions

(#) xxFamousLastWordsxx 2012-04-11

Name: Nicola Jayne Falls

Part: Gerard's Wife pwease :3

Age: Whatever fits xD

Long hair with short layers that is black and has a chunky side fringe that covers right eye at all times. Icy blue eyes, hour glass figure. Pale and full lips


Sweet, kind, trustworthy, loves her music especially when pissed off, Speaks her mind wheather its bad or good she literally does not give a fuck, would do anything for her friendss and family and random, childlike, sticks up for her friends and family and if her family is threatened there would be murder.


STARBUCKS FRAPPUCHINOS xD, Nightmare Before Christmas, Guns n' Roses, Metallica, iron Maiden and basically any good rock band, she loves it when people be completly honest with her and when They enjoy her presence.

Ignored, Black Veil Brides (hates them with a passion), Spiders and Heights


Has this obsession with Guitar Hero and can play it on expert no problem and on certain songs she wouldnt have to look at the screen.

Anything else:

She is from Northern Ireland so has a Northern Irish accent. Her birthday is 7th February and was once abused as a child and it still haunts her but very rarely.

Thank Chu!