Review for Small Note and Auditions

Small Note and Auditions

(#) ElectricBlackOut 2012-04-11

Name: Dana

Part: Gerard's Teenage Daughter

Age: 15

Looks: Ivory pale, flawless skin. Jet black, sleek straight hair that goes half way down her back (to her waist). Green eyes. Stand at 5'8''. she has a lip ring on the left side of her bottom lip. She always dresses in dark colours. Black, grey, purple red. Her style of clothing is kinda gothic

Personality: She the typical rebelious teenager. She's into rock music so she's the one with the band tees and skinny jeans all the time. She's not a people person. Normally she hates being around people and just drowns herself in her music. She goes against what everyone tells her not to do, and always gets herself into trouble with her parents, but she doesn't do it to piss 'em off, she just does it because she wants to find herself and who she wants to be. And even though she gives out an agressive and arrogant personality she's very sweet on the inside. She's kind to most people she knows and she's very funny too. Oh, and she tends to fall to fast.

Likes: Metal, Punk, Rock, Hardcore, Screamo Music. She loves cats (specially the hair less ones). She loves coffee (like her father). She loves cold, cloudy weather. She loves reading too.

Dislikes: She's not a big fan of the sun, or spending time with her family or any grown up person.

Talents: She's a great singer and amazing dancer. She is also good at painting. She's also a great writter. She mostly writes songs and poems and short stories, stuff like that.

Anything else: She's an atheist and bisexual. She smokes a lot as well. At school she's bullied but no one outside of school knows. So niether her parents nor her sister know. She's trying to keep that as secret as possible because she doesn't like people telling her what to do.

Hope this helps. Thanks for consideration and I wish you great luck with your story :)
