Wow. This story is always getting increasingly amazing. Your Gerard is heart wrenchingly perfect and I love Frank's changing views on him and the way you're slowly revealing more of his hidden personality. When I go to review your chapters, everything I wanted to let you know about while I was reading goes out of my mind and I feel like all I can think of is how the heck you'll top this chapter with the next update. I can't wait for the next chapter. I am so excited about this concert thing, because I feel like some really splendid shit is about to hit the fan and that's the stuff that I adore. I also hope that we can learn more about Gerard's past and why he has such issues with Frank's music in the next chapter. Thank you do much for writing this and please update again soon. I might die of you don't. (No pressure). Also, and I hate to be picky about great stories written by my favorite author, but close to the beginning of the chapter you had a lot of "to"s where grammatically there should have been "too"s