Name: Anna McLeod
Age: 17
Nationality: Irish :3 Light accent, also
Siblings: None
Hair: Little past shoulders, wavy, dark brown with turquoise roots
Eyes: Grey/Blue
Height: 5'3
Skin: Pale as a motherfucker, haha.
Clothes: Oversized tee-shirts and Sweatshirts/hoodies with brightly colored leggings or fishnets. When it's cold, she'll wear tight fitted sweaters and/or skinny jeans.
Facial Features: Sort of heart shaped face, and big, bright eyes. Long eyelashes? Lol.
Piercings/Tattoos?: Twice in both ear, but doesn't like needles.
Personality: Generally soft spoken and polite to adults and strangers, but when she's with friends, she's loose and carefree. Has somewhat of a guy's sense of humor, (Pervy :D), but is still quite feminine. Gets along with most people, and if she doesn't like someone, she just acts like they don't exist. Like in the description, she's very comfortable in her own little group, and rarely dresses out of her jammys (XD). If she is in a big group, she's quiet and a little antisocial.
Habits: Bites lip and picks at fingernail polish.
Likes: Harry Potter,reading, COFFEE, animals, YouTube, Art, Her stereo, jokes and comebacks, comics, drawing, makeup, My Little Pony, Hot Topic, writing, Messing with people in public, trolling, jumping in ball pits :3
Dislikes: Math, roaches, people who repeat themselves WAY to many times, and Hairy people :P
Hobbies: Reading, writing, filming and making videos for YouTube.
Greatest Fear: COCKROACHES.
Sexuality: mostly straight, but gets a bit out of control when drinking.
Drugs, Alcohol or Cigarettes?: Alcohol :P
Back Story(try and be original and fairly detailed): Uh, not much. She wasn't exactly bullied in school, she just kinda passed as another ignored underachiever. Her parents thought she wouldn't ever amount to anything- and she wanted to prove them wrong. She also went through a period of depression when her dad cut all contact with her when she was 12.
Anything Else: Nahhh.