Review for Translations of Blood

Translations of Blood

(#) amos222 2012-04-26

No worries, all updates are wonderful, no matter how late. That was such a good chapter!! I can't even really comment on how awesome this was, because it felt so lifelike and flew by so fast that I can't even remember anything that I was going to comment on. I will say, though, that the part with the ribbon was so freaky!! I was about to freaking stroke out all over the floor because it was so high-intensity and high-tension. I liked the ending too. Just the way the Frank talk/thinks in general. I've said this before, but just the sentence structure you use for him is so pleasant. I haven't seen that in your other stories, but I think that it fits here better than it would anywhere else. Thank you do much for the update!! I really appreciate it and I hope you update again soon!!

Author's response

Eeee, thank you SO MUCH :'D Seriously, your reviews are so make my day! I'm so glad you liked it, and thanks for taking the time to leave such a detailed review :D I'll update as soon as I can!