Review for Auditions, and read on my readers

Auditions, and read on my readers

(#) Mikeys_Glasses 2012-04-27


Name: Anna McLeod 
Nickname(s): Banana, but that usually gets the person who called her that punched. 

Hair:Dark brown, a bit past shoulders, wavy with a bit of curl at the ends. 
Eyes: Light blue, almost grey. 
Clothes: Likes oversized, dark colored hoodies or tee-shirts, paired with bright colored skinny jeans, tights, or leggings. Wears a couple of rubber bracelets, and always has on her grey converse with red laces. 
Height/weight/figure (slim, chubbier, etc.): about 5'2, and pretty skinny. Not athletic at all, so not really any muscle. 

Favorite bands: Pearl Jam, Red hot chili peppers, Mindless Self Indulgence, Third eye Blind, The Smashing Pumpkins, Aerosmith, Soundgarden, Bush, Panic! At the Disco, Fall out Boy, Anberlin, Two Door Cinema Club
Piercing/tattoos (any age above 14 with a parents consent for us around here, so go hard): Two piercings in each ear, and a small Deathly Hallows symbol on the outside of her right ankle.
Talents: Drawing, and playing drums. 
Are you confident in your talent(s): Likes to play drums, and often shows off to her friends, but is very hesitant when it comes to her artwork. 
Do you want to show the guys?: Uh... Sure- but only If they ask. 

Hobbies: Reading, writing, making YouTube videos, filming, listening to music, playing drums, some computer games, doing makeup,
Likes: HARRY POTTER, historical places, Creepypasta stories, books, CD's, band merch, nail polish, minty stuff, and jumping in ball pits :3
Dislikes: Math, and is terrified of cockroaches. xP

(for the lucky fan who has been chosen) What did you do to get picked (Draw something, post a cover and send it to them,..etc. creative): Had a friend record her giving a speech to her school about bullying, often referring to MCR and telling her own experiences- and how the band helped her. 

What did MCR do for you(doesn't have to be 'saved my life' maybe you like their music or something): Inspired het to work harder on her artwork, and be more open to her creativity.