Review for The road to recovery. (Or so we think...)

The road to recovery. (Or so we think...)

(#) DisenchatedDestroya 2012-04-30

This was a beautiful chapter; it was so lovely to see Frank being so caring and gently with Mikey. I liked that Frank was clearly so angry with Gerard despite them being best friends, but didn't let that anger show in front of Mikey because he understands that that's the last thing Mikey needs. It was absolutely heartbreaking when Mikey admitted to still being suicidal, it showed that he's still in a bad place emotionally but at the same time gave some sense of improvement because he spoke to Frank about it. I think you've got Frank absolutely perfect in this.

Yay! Thanks for using my nickname! :D

Author's response

Thank you! I'm very pleased you likes it. I'm glad that Franks feelings came through in this very well. He most definitely is angry at Gerard but knows Mikey couldn't deal with seeing them argue infront of him. I'm also relieved that when Mikey admitted about being slightly suicidal wasn't too much or over the top for the story. I was afraid the point wouldn't go through. But you picked up on it perfectly! No, thank you for the nickname! Thanks for reading and leaving a detailed review. I love reading them! :)