Review for Come On Angel Don`t You Cry

Come On Angel Don`t You Cry

(#) ilovefrankieieroxx 2012-05-01

Don't worry I'm going to probably fail all my exams. i can't do exams! That's why i prefer BTEC cause it's all course work.

Oh wow! i really want a lot of piercings but I'm only allowed to have my ears pierced once when I'm 16 -.- so after my 16th birthday and got my ears pierced once. I'm gonna get my friend is pierce my ear about 8 more times on one and twice on teh other and possibly my tongue but I'm not sure.

It was amazing there! I want an iphone just so I can play temple run all day ^-^

Thank you! I love that anem too -

Oooh I like the idea of that :D

And i have already auditioned for that. thanks for getting me the part btw :D

I've finished writing a one shot where Frank's a pyschopath and murders his whole school! It would be cool if you rated and reviewed it but it's your choice.

Rosie :)

Author's response

I just don`t like school work! I mean face it, what it a flimsy bit of paper really gonna do for you? it ain`t gonna do shit. I mean yeah I want to get into uni and get a good job but all this exams put s much pressure on people.
You ain`t allowed? Why the fuck not? So like you don`t even have a single lobe piercing? Most girls have that, some even have it done as babies which I personally don`t believe in. it should be up to that person if they want it done. I like the way tongue piercings look but I like spicy food too much so I don`t think I`d be able to stop eating it while it was healing. Besides I don`t really like not being able to speak and it swells for a bit so it makes it difficult. I got my rook done. I have to say I was disappointed. Everyone said it would hurt like a bitch and I barely even felt it, even when they put the jewellery in. I want a snug next on the same ear so I`ll probably spend my last bit of birthday money that isn`t in the bank on that. I like eyebrow and lip piercings but my mum hates them so I have to wait until I¬m old enough to get them done without parental consent. I tell you this though when you get 1 piercing it gets really addicting! Oh and the place I go to is so amazing and the girl that did my tragus was so pretty and had the most amazing tattoos. Not that you care or needed to know that.
No problem, I`ll try to get it up sometime t week or weekend.
I`m glad you like the sound of that, everyone just looks at me when I talk about it/show them it and think I`m insane and need locking in a secure, padded cell.
I shall read that now and R and R. sounds amazing
Oh and I just had a thought, feel free to stop talking to me and call me a creeper if you want, but I was just wondering if you wanted me to put my phone number up on here so we could text sometimes. don`t have to, i just thought because I`m barley on here anymore it might be nice to still stay in touch. God I feel like such a fucking creep right now. I assure you, `I¬m not!

Anyways erm gotta go help my granddad with the dinner, since nanny passed he`s been learning (or failing to learn more like) how to cook and I don`t trust him alone with the oven so yeah.