Review for Auditions!!!!


(#) XEvil_AngelX 2012-05-02

Name: Sam Alexx

age: 17 (change if you need)

who your with: Mikey please :)

hair: 'dees (yes I make up words) (but longer, to her middle back)
eye colour: Bright green with specks of silver
Clothing: Along the lines of:

Personality: bubbly, not afraid to stand up for herself...knows how bad it can get, so always there to rant (but isn't okay with clingy people), always wants people to be happy

fears: Getting mugged by a fat guy in prison named bubba (I have weird ass convos with my friends) but really, really high heights, big ass bugs,falling back into her depressed state, her father finding her

likes: Music, people, boyfriend (but not at all clingy), artisticness, being diffrent

how long have you been going out with them: 1 year :)

do you welcome the new girl with open arms or are you unsure about her: open arms! Almost like "HI IM SAM! NICE TO MEET YOU -hugs-" :P

P.S (if it fits in, if not ignore it) she lives with her aunt, and her dad is an abusive drunk