Review for Auditions!!!!


(#) Mikeys_Glasses 2012-05-02

Name: Anna McLeod

age: 15

who your with: Gerard

Hair- Dark brown and wavy, going a little past shoulders. Longs bangs pushed to side.
eye: Grey/Blue
Skin: Quite pale, with a few freckles across her nose 

Personality- Generally soft spoken and polite to adults and strangers, but when she's with friends, she's loose, carefree, and even somewhat protective. Has somewhat of a guy's sense of humor, (Pervy :D), but is still quite feminine. Gets along with most people, and if she doesn't like someone, she just acts like they don't exist. Likes to read, very intellectual, and a bit of a nerd. 

fears- Her phobia is motherfucking /cockroaches./ 

likes: Harry Potter,reading, The Smashing Pumpkins, COFFEE, animals, YouTube, Art, Her stereo, drawing, makeup, My Little Pony, Hot Topic, writing, Messing with people in public, trolling, jumping in ball pits :3

how long have you been going out with them: about a year ;3

do you welcome the new girl with open arms or are you unsure about her: Doesn't really talk to her much, and can sometimes seem rude, but she is really just shy. She likes the girl, but is afraid to talk to her. 

and anything else i should know: Uh... is flexible? XD