Part: A GF I guess
Name: Sam Tessa Alexx
Nickname: Sam, Sam Bam (true to life actually....)
Age: 16
Clothing: Something along these lines -->
Appearance: (split for detail)
Hair- (worn the same)
Eyes- Silvery-blue, specks of green
Slim, mainly because she is a recovering anorexic, strong even though she looks scrawny
Personality: Bubbly, shy at times, doesn't like being the center of attention, cares about everyone (if she hurts you, feels horrible)
Fears/dislikes: REALLY high heights, preps (hardcore prissy's) When people insult her music
Strengths/likes: Piano, bass, drums, dancing around, annoying people for laughs
Peircing/Tattoo's tounge, has 'here we are, fighting and trying to hide the scars' on her rib cage, 'Fix Me' on her left wrist, left cartlidge, and afew starts tattoed on her neck
Anything Else: She has scars (from WAY past on her stomach and rib cage, hence the lyrics), LOVES buggging her friends, has an obsession with MANY bands (more punk-rock)
Sounds fun, I like this =P (I don't know, I LIKE THAT SMILEY FACE)