Review for Dehydration


(#) youcanstakemyheart 2012-05-31

This was so fucking cute. Frank giving Mikey the last of the water was so metaphorically meaningful; they're in the desert and if all the water's gone, then they die. But he still gives the last of it to his Kiddie! (Loved the nickname, by the way.)

I don't know what I'm going to do without any of your fanfic for the first two weeks of my summer, but have fun in New York! I'd recommend places to visit, but alas, I've never been. Just go with a good 'ol cliche and get a picture taken of you in front of the Statue of Liberty. I think that's what people do....

Anyway, loved this story and I please post more on here when you get a chance!

Author's response

Thanks! I'm glad you got the meaningfulness behind the gesture; Frank knew how important the water was for his own survival and he still gave it away. Glad you liked the nickname!

I just got back and, other than the jet-lag, had a fantastically fun time! Funnily enough, the camera ran out of battery just as we got to the Statue. Lots of other pics though.

Thank you very much and I'll have something up tonight! :D