Review for Auditions!



-Name: Megan
-Age: 17
-Gender: Female
-Appearance: eg-
Hair colour/length/style: cherry red, mid-back length dreadlocks
Eye colour: bright blue
Height: err... Short, like Frank.
Any makeup you usually wear: natural foundation with thick black eyeliner
What you would usually wear. T-shirts with funny slogans/pictures, skinny jeans and converse. Woven bracelets and a small padlock pendant.
Anything else you feel you need t o add:
-Any instruments played: Bass and piano/keyboard.
-Vital personality traights: short tempered and smashes anything in sight when she does. But never physically hurts people unless she is threatened. Other than ghat she is bubbly and giggly if a bit sarcastic.
-Qwirks: plays with earlobe when she is getting pissed off.
-Dietary requirements: never eats anything orange.
-Part you are auditioning for: Frank's girlfriend
-Back story: originally lived in Newcastle, England so she has a sting Geordie accent. But when her parents were killed in a fire, she had to move with her god mother. Has a large scar spreading across her rigt shoulder and chest from the fire that killed her parents.