Review for Auditions!


(#) Mikeys_Glasses 2012-06-04

-Name: Anna Carlisle
-Age: 17 
-Gender: Female 

-Appearance: eg-
Hair colour/length/style: Dark brown, almost black, with dark purple lowlights. A little bast shoulders, and wavy- always worn down. 
Eye colour: Grey
Height: Pretty tall and lanky for a girl, 
Any makeup you usually wear: Grey or black eye makeup, conceals lips. 
What you would usually wear:
Anything else you feel you need to add:  nahh...

-Any instruments played: Acoustic Guitar
-Vital personality traights: Very laid back and easy going, friendly, likes going to parties and being social, doesn't really sleep, likes to make people laugh, believes in 'miracles' and is usually impressed easily. 

-Qwirks: Eg- "I always write in pencil, never in pen" Swears a lot, but never in a mean way. 
-Dietary requirements: Regular.. Not a vegetarian or anything. 

-Part you are auditioning for: i really don't care XD 

-Back story: Eg- If you moved here, if you had a critical event happen in your past that effects your current personality/appearance.: She moved into a friends house in high school after a fight with her father, and sort of became a druggie. Never anything bad per say, just a pill popper.