Review for Auditions!


(#) dancingdragon 2012-06-04

-Name: Jenna Jinxx

-Age: 16 (or whatever age he is)

-Gender: Girl

-Appearance: eg-
Hair colour/length/style:

Eye colour: Grey-ish blue, just like pictures

Height: A little shorter than Frank ahah

Any makeup you usually wear: Cat eye like picture, cover up or foundation, and mascara

What you would usually wear:

Anything else you feel you need to add:
-Any instruments played: Piano, guitar

-Vital personality traights: Very bubbly and cute, tries to find the best in people and in every situation, LOVES to game, skate boarder (Except she longboards), and just generally pretty chill, social butterfly (Knows EVERYONE)

-Qwirks: Eg- "I always write in pencil, never in pen": always get detention slips, never awards.

-Dietary requirements: Vegetarian

-Part you are auditioning for: Franks girlfriend preeeettty pleassse please please with cherries on top :D

-Back story: Eg- If you moved here, if you had a critical event happen in your past that effects your current personality/appearance. Moves alot, her parents are workaholics and don't pay much attention to her, the only time they do is for publicity parties when they ask her to go, and she gets very lonely since she's an only child. She gets into a lot of trouble to get back at her parents, aka she smokes, and sometimes smokes weed with whoever she can. Goes to a lot of parties (aka why she knows so many people) and kind of a scene kid.

Thanks so much for reading, can't wait to read this even if I don't get in :)