Review for Rant


(#) Review 2012-06-27

At the farmer's market with my so called girlfriend
She hands me her cell phone, says it's my dad
Man, this ain't my dad!
This is a cell phone!

I threw it on the ground!
What, you think I'm stupid?
I'm not a part of your system
My dad's not a phone!

Some poser hands me cake at a birthday party
Whatcha want me to do with this? Eat it?

Happy birthday to the ground!
I threw the rest of the cake, too!
-- are you smiling? Depression no good. I've been threw it and I still kind of am. I know everyone says this, but it actually does get better. Unless in the future become a hobo that is constantly harassed by the other hobos. That would suck. I wish the best for you and you should keep doing rants to keep things off your chest. When things getting bottled up you don't eventually explode. You just drive yourself crazy.