Review for Additions for what I wanna be when I grow up

Additions for what I wanna be when I grow up

(#) Kittenm 2012-06-28

Bob's GF please!

Name: Layla Elizzabeth Smith


Looks: Short, messy black hair (Gerard Famous Last Words style but black if you will) Short, skinny, olive green eyes. Very pale.

Personality: Swears a lot, but is generally sweet, just don't insult her friends/family.

Likes: Cats, Harry Potter, art, wii, writing, Vlogbrothers.

Dislikes: Biased people, spiders (Phobia here), dogs.

What you want to be when you grow up: Video Game Designer, Disney Imaginer (The people who come up with rides for Disney World, that's what they call em.)

And anything else: Is an atheist, but doesn't judge people for religion.