Review for Auditions for MCR story: As i lay dying

Auditions for MCR story: As i lay dying

(#) XCherrikidXD 2012-07-01

Name: Lucy May
*Nickname(s): Lu lu
*gender: Female
*Age: 17
Looks (as below)
eyes: Sea Green
weight/height/shape: Skinny with slight curvs, 5'1.
Tattoo/piercings: both ears twice, lip ring. This tattoo on her right side of her ribs: and flying bats on both fore arms.
Personality: outgoing, bubbly, livley, hyper, sarcastic, good with comebacks, funny, likes to make people laugh, she can get pissed easily, can throw a good punch, speaks her mind.
Is it okay if they die?: Meh it's your story, but if she dose don't kill her off straight away keep her in for a good few chapters please =)
Is it okay if they get hurt?: Yep fine
would it be okay if i paired off certain character with other's?: If this means being paired with MCR guys can I be with Gee please?

I don't mind who I am in the story really =)

~Lu lu xoxo