Review for My first audition thing!

My first audition thing!

(#) TakeMyLife 2012-07-01

Name: Well my names Jane but you can call me whatever:L

Any nicknames?: Don't know:L

Part: The murderer if possible? It'd be so cool xD

Appearance (hair, eyes, etc): Hair is Pink and purple, long and naturally straight. None of that scene backcombing though:) Eyes are a bright blue. I Have a lip ring, three earings on each lobe and my tragus. I'm tall with a little bit of fat on my stomach xD

As I said, hopefully none of you get killed, but if you do, how would you like to be murdered?:
If somebody killed me than I'd like to be tied up and thrown of a cliff/out of a plane or some weird shit like that xD

Anything else you want to add?: I'd like angel wing tattoo on bag covered in blood the express my 'Freedom' and love for killing. I'd also like a heart on top of my left side chest with a knife through it to show that my heart is broken and beaten xD
I Useally wear dresses and Black heels with Red tights and love red lipstick:3

Woo, looking foward to it anyway even if I don't get it:3