Review for Auditions


(#) Drowning_in_Irony 2012-07-04

Name- Caitlin Mae Wilder

Nickname- Cait, Caitie, Casper

Appearance- tall and pale; long curly chocolate brown hair with a side fringe (she has two or three colors in her bangs); forest green eyes

Age- 15 (can be changed to whatever)

Personality- She's usually off in her own world, when she is talking to people she usually rambles and gets off topic very easily. She points out things other people find irrelevant. She's considered harmless and friendly most of the time (hence the nickname Casper, like the friendly ghost).

Way that they are messed up (try to mix it up a little)- She has some pretty bad self-esteem issues. She hates who she is and would do anything to change it. She'll even give herself a different name and pretend as if she's someone else if she's feeling bad enough--not an uncommon occurrence. She tries to change the subject though whenever someone tries to bring up her issues.

Part you want and back ups- A friend is my first choice, but it's not a big deal

Anything else- She's a huge music geek, loves singing but keeps it to herself; closet superhero nerd

Hope you like :)xx