Review for Auditions


(#) BipolarUnicorn 2012-07-04

Name- Harley Storm

Nickname- Hay, Storm, Unicorn, Ham

Appearance- Short, 4"8.
Face- Dark blue eyes, freckles under eyes, small pale pink lips. medium thick black glasses.
Hair- medium length, light brown. always in a high ponytail. With a fringe on the right side.

Age- 15 or whatever fits

Personality- shy, quiet, barely talks, creative, likes photography, tends to talk to herself a lot. Whispers and laughs creepily whenever she talk to someone.

Way that they are messed up (try to mix it up a little)- Likes taking pictures of disturbing things. Like dead animals and blood, she killed her parents because she claims her stuffed animals told her too. (she took pictures of her dead parents). She liked breaking things on purpose, shes also a pyromaniac, liked to summon demons and talks to friendly ghosts. Bites people cause she believes shes a zombie and a vampire. LOVES the color red. She also can get out of a straight jacket.

Part you want and back ups- friend or psychopath doesn't matter

Anything else- urmmm....if she has her own room, like if she is a friend, can she have like pictures of creepy things everywhere?

I hope you like it :D
