Review for Auditions


(#) Mikeys_Glasses 2012-07-04

Name- Anna McLeod

Nickname- None, doesn't really like them.

Appearance- Loosely curled, dark red hair that goes to mid-back. Fair skin and light blue eyes. Average height but on the skinny side. She never leaves her room without her hair and makeup done as well as nice clothes, even if she is just staying in the ward. Usually wears tight black turtlenecks with jeans or leggings that vary in color each day.  Strives to look "flawless"

Age- 17

Personality- Is generally good natured when her disorder is not to in control. She can be uptight, shrewd, very focused on her appearance, constantly worried about cleanliness, tends to spend a lot of time organizing things, can get easily worried or anxious over things. Can also be conceited and somewhat paranoid when people challenge her. Strives to please and generally goes for finer things. On the other hand, she can be caring and protective if the few people she associates with.

Way that they are messed up (try to mix it up a little)- Narcissistic Personality Disorder, if you couldn't tell :p 

Part you want and back ups- Anything, really. 

Anything else- Nope.avi :3