Review for Auditions


(#) midnight_star22 2012-07-04

Name- Lexie Jackson

Nickname- Lex, Flexie, and Lexie-Lou

Sorry, I honestly had no idea how to describe that color..
Eyes- icy blue ;)
Skin tone- fair
Height- 5'7
Piercings- Ears and lip (she's pretty proud of the fact that she did it herself)

Age- 17

Personality- Outgoing and friendly, tries to get along with everyone. Will make you smile even if you don't want to even if she has to physically force you to. People love being in her presence, because she has a glow that is very contagious. BUT! You will have to see the way she is messed up section. It. Will. Blow. Your.

Mind. ;D

Way that they are messed up (try to mix it up a little)- She has a fascination with blood. If she starts bleeding, she will try to paint a picture with it and it freaks people out. She also has multiple personality disorder but only one other personality. Her name is Lilly. It's like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde except she's not quite to that level of evil...yet. The only thing that triggers Lilly is if Lexie cries.

Part you want and back ups- friend or evil psychopath

Anything else- Her nails are always painted black. It's her favorite color besides red..