Review for auditions for a story based on a manga/anime

auditions for a story based on a manga/anime

(#) XCherrikidXD 2012-07-09

Full name: Lucy May
Nickname: Lu lu
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Animal: Monkey
Eye colour: Sea Green
Body description (weight, height ect): 5'1, skinny with slight curves, pale complextion.
Everyday clothes (include shoes and any jewellery)
Special occasion clothes (include shoes and jewellery):
Any tattoos/piercings: this tattoo on her right side going up her ribs: Flying bats on her fore arms.
both ears twice, lip ring.
Anything else to do with looks: nope
Appearance as your chosen Zodiac animal: Shrinks to about a meater tall, growes a monkey tail, her skin goes darker and her eyes change colour to brown.
Personality: shy at first but showes her true colours once you get to know her, hyper, bubbly, livley, sarcastic at times, good with come backs, quick thinker, protective over friends and family, puts others before herself, speaks her mind.
How do you act around other Zodiac members? pretty normal showes her true colours dosn't hide anything.
How do you act around normal humans? kinda shy arround people who don't know her because she's scared that they'll find out about the whole monkey thing.
How do you feel about the curse? in two words: anoying and stupid
How do you feel about an outsider finding out about the curse? What do you do/say? scared of what they'll do to her, but conserned for her friends.
Likes: she has an unhealthy obsession for nuts, playing bass, drawing, sleeping.
Dislikes: spiders, lifts, cheese.
Hobbies: playing bass, drawing, climbing trees.
Hopes for the future: find away to rid of the curse so she could fulfil her ambition of becoming a teacher of music.
Anything else: nope i dont think so =)

~Lu lu xoxo