Review for auditions for a story based on a manga/anime

auditions for a story based on a manga/anime

(#) Drowning_in_Irony 2012-07-09

Full name:Caitlin Mae Wilder

Nickname: Cait, Casper

Gender: female

Age: 14 (can be changed to whatever)

Animal: Pig! :D

Eye colour: forest green

Hair: long, curly, chocolate brown, side fringe with several colors added in

Body description (weight, height ect): tall (5'8"), average weight, reasonable curves

Everyday clothes (include shoes and any jewellery): really laidback, she's lives in jeans, graphic t-shirts (especially if they say something funny on them), converse, and has a massive collection of jewelry. She also loads on the beaded bracelets.

Special occasion clothes (include shoes and jewellery): She'll wear a strapless dress (usually a dark color like purple or blue), that flows from the waist to her knees. She'll wear fancy flats or sandals, but not heels (she feels she's tall enough as it is), and puts on bracelets, a locket of some kind, and a bow or two in her hair.

Any tattoos/piercings: silver nose stud, both ears, and cartilage

Anything else to do with looks: She's usually to lazy to put on makeup of any kind, but will sometimes put on eyeliner if she really needs it

Appearance as your chosen Zodiac animal: shrinks really small, looks like a Bentheim Black Pied Pig, which is pretty much one with big dalmation spots

Personality: usually off in her own world, rambles when she's nervous or excited, finds it hard to stay on topic, points out things other people might overlook or find irrelevant, can sometimes trust too easily, is more sarcastic than people give her credit for. She's also a little boy crazy

How do you act around other Zodiac members?: She acts like herself, doesn't feel self-conscious at all most of the time

How do you act around normal humans?: is always trying to make friends with them (again, because she trusts too easily)

How do you feel about the curse?:She tries to look at it in a positive way and not let it get her down, because, hey, pigs are cute!

How do you feel about an outsider finding out about the curse? What do you do/say?: She's afraid it will scare them off, and she'll try cracking jokes or lifting the tension

Likes: music, superheroes, amusement parks, chocolate, Klondike Bars

Dislikes: coffee, bugs, conflict, acting fake

Hobbies: playing piano, singing, drawing what she dreams at night, writing fiction

Hopes for the future: She wants to become a famous singer or writer, and find the guy of her dreams

Anything else: Not that I can think of

Hope this works for you, good luck with your story :)xx