Review for Personalized one shots

Personalized one shots

(#) XxSearchAndDestroyxX 2012-07-12

Name:Analise Aleska

Age: 17

Looks: shoulder length black hat, fringe, straight. Green eyes. Average height and weight

Personality: has the I don't give a fuck attitude. She is who she is, and she doesn't take others shit l. She is extremely happy.

Clothing/Tattoo's/Piercings: dresses like any other misfit I suppose. Nose and cartilage piercing. No tattos

Background: mom and dad divorced. Lives with her dad, younger brother committed suicide. Oh. Lovely.

Era:hmm... Anything's cool.

Person you want to be paired with: Read the story line.

Storyline: Analise is not dating any of the guys. Frank us her best friend, and he's dating Gerard. The rest , you ca. Decide.... Let you're creativity shark gnaw on your brain

Anything else: Nope