Review for Undine


(#) Kasan_Soulblade 2012-07-13

A shame no ones commented on this. Mind if I give it a go?

I like the nature of the Orginzation in this piece, it's very true to canon. Desperate people who are composed of might of beens, or could be's.. of unfullfilled potential who cling to things they hope they remember, that might be true, and alternate between trying to hold themselves together and tear a wold apart to heal themselves.

It's a rather ambigious description (and a run on besides, grimaces) but it's stil very much true.

Demyx was always one of my favorite of the Org. so it's nice to see such a thoughtfull piece about him come to light.

THank you for putting this up.

My only sugestion for this piece.. it lacks description of the people. The sense of setting is there, and the what the y are doing in it, but not of the people themselves.

Still, the overwhelming content of your work, the thought behind it and the thought it provokes does a great deal to nullify my complaint.