Holymotherfuckingmeeseshit. Okay, so I've read various stories of yours before, so I know your work is of a pretty high standard, but this was beyond that. Your use of dreamlike language fitted the mood perfectly, I loved the whole concept, the not-quite discovered and extremely thought-provoking depth to the story, and well, it's just plain fucking brilliant. I don't really know how I can do justice to it in a review.
I do love your smut stuff (I mean, who the hell doesn't? :L), but I think this might possibly be my favourite thing you've written- although that's just personal; these kinds of mysterious, compelling stories are something I particularly like. It's stunning, with so many fascinating layers and depths, but I think I've rambled and gushed about it for far too long now, so I'm just going to shut up. I hope I haven't bored you to death! :L
Thanks so much for posting this- I can tell it is something that is going to linger very potently in my mind for a long time.
Lucy X_O
Author's response
Wow, thank you so much :') I really wasn't sure if I liked it or not so I'm thrilled you enjoyed it XD You compliment me far too much :')
It was fun to write something different for a change, its been a long time since a song has inspired me so much to write. It was good to break out of the same old stuff (smut...) XD
Thanks again :D