Review for Auditions


(#) xxFamousLastWordsxx 2012-07-21

Name : Nicola Jane Falls

Part : Gerard (MCR) girlfriend :3

Personality : Hyper, never lets anyone tell her what to do, energetic, creative, fun, loving, trustworthy and fearless,

Looks : Black hair with a chunky side fringe that falls over her right eye, fringe has electric blue tips in it. Hair is chest length and with short layers and bangs. Has icy blue eyes (always wears eyeliner and red eyeshadow), full lips, pale skinned and not too skinny. her hands have a slight natural curve.

Other : She plays guitar and can play guitar hero blindfolded on expert. She is obsessed with drawing and comic books and cannot go a day without coffee. She can get easily pissed off and is Northern Irish

Thankchu :'D