Review for Auditions!


(#) Drowning_in_Irony 2012-07-29

Name: Caitlin Mae Wilder

Nickname(s): Cait, Caitie, Casper (like the friendly ghost, used as a joke to annoy her)

Part you are auditioning for: a friend

Gender: female

Age: 15 (can be changed to whatever)

Skin tone: pale pale pale (hence the nickname Casper)

Body (short, tall, chubby, skinny, etc...): average weight (not really really skinny, but not fat either), reasonably curvy

Height: like around 5'8"

Haircut and color: long, chocolate brown, really curly, blue, purple, and pink in her side fringe; usually worn in a loose braid and messy pony tail.

Eyes: big, forest green

Make-up: She doesn't really use make-up, the most she'll do is some eyeliner when she needs it, and some lip gloss

Other facial features: She has round-ish cheeks that she isn't a fan of, and long eyelashes

Scars: a small one on her ankle from trying to walk across a log that was over a stream, and promptly failing epically and falling into said stream

Tattoos/piercings: nose stud, both ears pierced twice

Anything else you want me to know (including any kind of back story): She's pretty self-conscious, but she keeps it to herself because she doesn't like to share that sort of stuff with people. No one really notices, though, because she hides it behind sarcasm and humor. Her mom's really overprotective of her, and her dad is like her best friend. Her parents have a tendency to fight, but again, she doesn't tell anyone this.

Typical clothing: Pretty laidback; jeans (ripped or not), graphic T-shirts with funny messages on them, always with some sort of hoodie (her favorite being an All Time Low one she bought online), worn black converse with yellow laces, loads on beaded bracelets

Personality: She's usually off in her own world, and when she's not she's one of the strangest people you'll meet. She has a tendency to ramble when she's excited or nervous, and has trouble staying on topic. She's very friendly and not a big fan of conflict. She can be really sarcastic and witty, which catches people off guard sometimes.

Fears: huge bugs, people breaking in (blame crime shows)

Likes/dislikes: (Likes) chocolate, music/singing/piano, superheroes/comics, doodling funny cartoons; (Dislikes) coffee, being ignored, silence

How did you come to know Abby?(the more creative the better): It was at the grocery store, strangely enough. They were both in the cereal section when Caitlin was trying to reach for something near the top and ended up knocking over a load of cereal boxes. She looked at it awkwardly, then at Abby, made some awkward joke and they cleaned up the mess together. Then, on the first day of sixth grade Caitlin spotted her and said something along the lines of, "Hey! It's the Cereal Chick!"

How long have you known her? Since sixth grade

Hope ya like it, I was trying to think of something funny for the whole meeting thing. Don't know where cereal came from x)