Review for Auditions!


(#) Hostile_Halo 2012-07-29

Other facial features: small nose (ah why nose why? >_< )
Scars: small ones on palm of hands (never learn to juggle with glass bottles)
Tattoos/piercings: just earrings
Anything else you want me to know (including any kind of back story)
parents are divorced, lives with dad, mom's a skank, came out to friends NOT parents, wants to be an Oncologist (cancer doctor) because friend from died in 7th grade form leukemia

Typical clothing: dark blue or grey skinny jeans, band tees, or ones with funny sayings, bright color belts that match her fingerless gloves, geeky glasses (will go Scooby-doo Velma without them-I can't see without my glasses!)
Personality: quirky with little self confidence, not in a mopey pity party way, just fells that's she can do better or more, sarcastic,spazzy around friends, but more quiet on her own, doesn't like to show when she's upset, not that it happens often
Fears: snakes and losing people she loves
Likes/dislikes: likes-horror movies, comic books, all sweets, reading, and sketching dislikes- plastic girls and docheface guys, people who interru--hey!, moving things from where she put them, lying
How did you come to know Abby?(the more creative the better)
lets just say the summer before Abby's 9th grade year someone got in the way between Cass and the ice cream truck
How long have you known her? two years i believe

Do you want to be her crush or her BF/GF? crush please? (and can we do that thing where we're both too clueless to realize the other likes them?)
What do you like to do together? movies, go to the comic store, talk, sleepovers, whatever else
If you want to be her crush, do you know Abby well? I'd say so

thanks for considering! XD

xox HHalo