Review for Auditions!


(#) lunette 2012-07-29

Name: Astrid Larsson

Nickname(s): Generally referred to as 'That one bitch.'

Part you are auditioning for: A friend, please.

Gender: lifts up skirt Definitely a chick.

Age: 16 (You can change it if you need to.)

Skin tone: Pale, but not to the point of looking like a corpse or anything.

Body: Really tall and thin in an awkward, lanky sort of way.

Height: Just a bit below 6'0".

Haircut and color: Yellow-blond, pixie cut.

Eyes: Bright green.

Make-up: A bit of eyeliner and some lipstick.

Other facial features: Don't know if this counts, but she wears black, thick rimmed cat's eye glasses.

Scars: None, unless you count a small birthmark on her right shoulder blade.

Tattoos/piercings: She's got her ears pierced once, and she's too chicken to get anything else done.

Anything else you want me to know (Including any kind of back story): She's from Sweden, and is in wherever the story takes place as a foreign exchange student. Her parents are sort of weird, but she loves them anyway. She lived in Hong Kong for a very brief time (about eleven months) when she was 12 due to her mom's job, but they eventually went back to Sweden.

Typical clothing: Quirky or retro clothes that are usually bought at thrift stores. Also wears lots of ripped jeans, oversized sweaters, combat boots, and an army jacket.

Personality: People who don;t know her seem to find her intimidating. She's socially awkward, a little bit nerdy, and tends to be overly weird at times, and not always in a good way. She has a very snarky, cynical sense of humour. Also, she's a huge prankster and her antics often earn her eye-rolls from various people, though her friends usually find them funny. Can be a spaz at times.

Fears: Drowning, being convicted of a crime she didn't commit. (The second one is a bit unusual, but so is she.)

Likes: Shoes, reading, live music, thrift store shopping, cats (Is convinced that she'll be a crazy cat lady when she's old.), guys with British accents, rain, spicy food.

Dislikes: Maths, people who talk really loud in restaurants, riding in aeroplanes (she gets vertigo), roller coasters, Justine Bieber, really hot weather, sappy romance movies.

How did you come to know Abby? (the more creative the better) Abby's family is her host family, meaning that she lives with them while she's in which ever country the story is set in. Since Abby was the only other person her age that she knew at the time, she kind of just hung out with her and her friends and she still does because she really likes them.

How long have you known her? Since she came to Abby's town, which was the middle of the summer.