Review for Auditions/Idea/Note


(#) -weightless- 2012-08-06

Auditioning for the role of gerards girlfriend.

Name - Hayley Jackson
Age - 17
Looks - medium length bright blue hair, very pale. Blue eyes. Nice smile, only ever wears a small amount of make up. Wears skinnys and band tshirts alot. No major scars. Naturally pretty.
Height/weight - around 110 lbs and 5ft2"
Likes/dislikes - likes music and happy people, sings alot and tries to cheer everyone up. loves dogs and favourite band is queen. Dislikes people who bully and are mean. Hates spiders and needles
Personality - happy, cheery. Always smiling. Helpful and keeps people happy. Loves helping friends.
Sexuality - bisexual.
Anything extra - loves her bestfriends