Review for Auditions/Idea/Note


(#) imakilljoywannabe 2012-08-06

An audition for Frankie's GF please :3 (or if not then maybe his best friend?)

Name(Full): Abby Johnson
Age: 16 or whatever fits
Hair- Long black hair, dyed red at the ends. Likes to wear in a ponytail.
Eyes- Light green with some yellow flecks near the pupil. Wears eyeliner sometimes.
Skin- Slightly pale, her cheeks are naturally a little pink
Height/Weight: Somewhat small at 5'3", and about 115 lbs. Not Mikey skinny but not chubby either.
Likes- Art, music, Is a total bookworm (when she's reading a good book she doesn't notice anything going on around her; she wouldn't notice if a tornado passed 2 centimeters from her face), tigers, wolves
Dislikes- Spiders, being alone in a house at night, horror movies, being scared in general (she will punch you if you jump out at her)
Personality: Strong willed, friendly to those who seem decent, very loyal, EXTREMELY protective of all her friends, is not afraid to stand up to a bully if they hurt one of her friends, puts others feelings in front of her own, is the type to comfort someone when they're sad, can be very random and act insane at times for no particular reason, is fun to be around, is secretly very insecure and sad, Frank is the only one who knows and has been helping her through it.
Sexuality: Straight
Hobbies: Loves to draw but thinks her drawings are shit. Sings to anything and everything (is not terrible but not always good either)
Anything extra: She is a black belt in Tae Kwon Do.

Hope you like! :D