Review for Auditions/Idea/Note


(#) ElectricBlackOut 2012-08-06

Mainly auditioning for Mikey or Frank's girlfriend. If not one of Gerard's or Franks' best frends :)

Name: Dana Monroe Smith. Preffers being called Zero.

Age: 19

Hair- Jet black, sleek straight hair. It goes down to her hips.

Eyes: Emerald green.

Skin: Ivory pale skin.

Height/Weight: 5'7. 98 lbs.

Likes: Music, playing bass, singing, working out, boxing, wrestling.

Dislikes: Ignorance, hipsters, overly cheerful people.

Persnality: Very badass. She's a true, die hard, punk rocker chick. She doesn't really give a fuck what other people think about her. She's rebellious too, yet caring and loving. She's very protective of those she loves and cares about. Has a very short temper. She's very funny and sarcastic.

Sexuality: Bisexual.

Hobbies: Singing and playing bass. She's lead singer and bass player in a band. She also enjoys horseback riding.

Anything extra: She's got a lip ring on the lft side of her bottom lip. And a birth mark just like Marilyn Monroe's.