Review for Auditions/Idea/Note


(#) ShovedToAgree 2012-08-06

audtioning 4 franks girlfriend (if not any part will do)

name: Sara Winchester

age: whatever works with the story

looks:straight raven hair, blue eyes, has a freckle on her cheek, side bangs, and misfits tatoo on her lower back

personality: bold but not bitchy, very hyper, doesnt give a fuck what people think, pulls pranks and is very giggly

likes/dislikes: likes dogs, coffee, playing base, green day, being werid, blasting music, ripped jeans, batman, comic books video games. Dislikes pop music, spiders,bullies, annoying people, dresses
sexuality: straight
hobbies: reading comics, drawing, playing bass, watching tv, playing video games, watching tim burton movies, skateboarding.
anything extra: has a misfits tattoo on lower back but keeps it hidden