Review for Prisoner of Hogwarts

Prisoner of Hogwarts

(#) Arkarian23 2012-08-13

This is the second story I've read where Harry came in from the muggle world later than expected. The idea of Harry being wrongfully imprisoned early on is a first. I'm not sure how the relationship side of things is going to expand, Is Harry going to have several lovers or just Hermione and Tonks. More importantly how is that relationship going to take shape, Tonks expressed that she likes a more Dom/Sub style relationship after the second Lemon but is that gonig to transfer to Hermione, with her personality I can see that emerging. Ginny is also an interesting character, she has barely changed from the personality she seemed to have in her first year in canon, though this obsession has grown slightly with her developing maturity. It appears Riddle's diary is still in her possession which may open the gates for a relationship between her and Harry after it is dealt with, this would probably fit with the whole Dom/Sub idea.
Of course this is mostly conjecture, i'm expecting Harry to develop magically more before any further romance is explored.