Review for Translations of Blood

Translations of Blood

(#) MissFilthyDivineMCR 2012-08-16

There is so many things I want to say to explain this story but there are just so many. To sum it up some, this story is amazing, beautiful, perfect, outstanding, GORGEOUS!! :)) I'm actually a new viewer of this story due to the recent stories bar on the right of Ficwad. I read the description and couldn't resist!! :) The words you use to describe everything is tremendous, like nothing else I've read. You have me hooked! :D It's like the most detailed movie in my head. Haha! I was up all last night until 3 in the morning reading through the chapters and then again today as soon as I got home. I'm EXTREMELY excited for Frank and Gerard to meet! Eep! And your smut scenes, super HOT! XD I love how you explain everything in each chapter so thorough to the point you are right there! The scenes are so impacting that last night when I read that there were rustling noises in the woods I was like,"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!!" And again in this chapter right before Robbie says, "Boo," when Frank was looking to find Gerard I was like,"Go find him Frank!" really loud out in the open. Hahaha! Anyways, you are a really exquisite author! I am in love! :))))) Update soon! It's unbearable to not know what's going to happen!
Love, Sabrina XOXO
~Stay Beautiful, Keep It Ugly~