Review for Auditions


(#) ItsM0llyBitch 2012-08-21

Pixie Name: Marleigh

Fake Name(Optional): Molly

Looks: Pale skin with freckles across nose

Eyes: Bright green

Hair: Long platinum blonde hair with a purple streak and sweeping fringe

Wings: From middle of her head to back of her knees, spiked and black at the ends, white with green swirls

Body Type: Short, thin, small arms and legs (like anime character)

Tattoo's/Piercings: Sleeve down her right arm, "My shadow is the only one who walks beside me" on left forearm and various others

Personality: Funny, nice, dirty minded, smart, understanding, fiery when people offend her or her friends

Age (18-26): 19

Clothing: band tees (Iron Maiden, Metallica, FOB, ATL), skinny jeans (red, green, black), converse, hoodies

Part wanted and Backup: Bassist or guitarist please :3

Band Name you like: Unforgiving Supernatural