Hi there. Oh my gosh when I saw you updated I squeeled and all the people on my train looked at my weird. But I don't care. You are amazing at writing and pull out feelings for this story I didn't know I had. I cried almost all the way through this chapter, it is by far the best one yet. When Gerard spoke to him so sweetly I wanted to die. It made me so happy to see him treat Frank with such care. The entire time they were alone I wanted them to hug, kiss, hold hands or pretty much anything. I wanted them to aknowledge the physical connection they had the night before. Gahhhh please update. I don't think I could wait another month.
xoxo Jessie
Author's response
Eeerp, really? Thank you SO much! I was really nervous about this one, 'cause it was very different to write, so I'm so pleased you liked it, it really means a lot- and even more so that you took the time to review :'D And as for the physical connection...well, I shall update soon ;D