Review for Physical Therapy, Music, and A Switch

Physical Therapy, Music, and A Switch

(#) RockMusic 2012-08-29

No? NO? NOOOOO! Y HE NO SAY YES? THAT WAS STRAIGHT UP GIBBERISH BRENDON! You love him, he loves you, love and marriage. It goes together like a horse and carriage. 

My wedding plans, all down the drain. What's wrong with 'yes'? It's such a simple word. I'm with you Ryan. -cries- It's not fair. 

Starting over? -happy again- Okay, that's cute. I can live with that.  Rydonable. Like Rydon and adorable. Does that work? Not really. Oh well. 

Author's response

Hahaha. Brendon had a reason for saying no! And you found it out at the end. Cause I'm a tease like that. :P I'm glad you liked it! There will be a wedding though. I promise. Of course there will be. I can't end a Rydon without getting them fully together.