Review for Auditions for War :)

Auditions for War :)

(#) atomickilljoy 2012-09-16

Name: Prudence (insert last name XD)
Nickname: Pru
Killjoy Name:
Looks: Has light brown skin, black hair up to her neck, and has brown eyes
Killjoy Outfit:
Likes: Candy, books, and she loves running around to rock music.
Dislikes: When her mother leaves her, strangers who look mean, when she has to stay still for more than 5 minutes, and she hates girlie things.
Special Skills: "i can count to 10!" :D
Anything Else: she's like her mother, pretty much.

I didn't include the Killjoy name and outfit because shes 5 years old. If you want, I can include them! :S