I'm audie-ing for Dr. DD's kid. :)
Name: Shayla (I'm sorry I don't know his last name!)
Nickname: Say
Killjoy Name: Fireflyy (that's it.)
Looks: http://data.whicdn.com/images/10370873/green-hair-piercing-scene-scene-girl-yellow-hair-Favim.com-45118_large.jpg, big doe-like hazel eyes, olive skin, pink gauges, small, a thin scar on my left side coming from my mouth to my ear (like Jeff the Killer's but smaller and only on one side)
Killjoy Outfit: Emerald green skinnies, ankle length black combat boots with pink laces, a grey long sleeved shirt that has a pink cartoon raygun on it- the sleeves are ripped, a yellow bandana like a hairband, a green leather vest with many zippers
Likes: playing pranks on people, being held, playing with my toy raygun (that's how I got my scar- I hit myself in the face with it! -_-) the colour green, sketching, watching anything horror related, explosions, playing rhythm guitar, being on the radio with my dad, learning how to be a killjoy
Dislikes: PowerPup, Dracs, new people, the heat, being ignored, being underestimated
Special Skills: I'm good at hiding or acting invisible if need be
Anything else: a wild child, bubbly, hyper, a bit sadistic, childish, sweet when I want to be, talkative, loyal
I'm five. :D
I hope you like this cos I'd really like to be his kid! Pretty please! :3